Sessions, November 3rd, 5th and 12th, 2020 and February 4th and 9th 2021
All the conferences, as well as questions will be in English
The massive use of electronic devices and the Internet generate a multiplicity of digital data, which makes it possible to strengthen the generation of official information both statistical and geographical. Specifically, using current data analytics, it is possible to statistically exploit large digital databases, generated by multiple activities, through various electronic devices and remote perception systems. All though, several challenges such as legal, privacy, financial, administrative, methodological and technological ones, should be considered.
However, this possibility gives us the opportunity to explore and strengthen information on various issues, both economic and social. That is why, in this Series of Conferences, we will review some possibilities to improve the timely dissemination of economic information and to better detect and prevent health and security conditions.
Taking this into consideration, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico and the Tec de Monterrey, have decided to join forces to organize this series of conferences through digital platforms, where selected topics on the use of novel sources and methodologies to improve the current information, will be presented.
To review the possibilities of accessing and exploiting new sources of data held by private information repositories, state and/or governmental entities, with clear operational application, to generate public interest information in economic and social matters.
To review the current state of the art of Big Data use, generated by the banking and financial, commercial, and personal communications and telecommunications service sectors, among others.
To review the academic progress and the latest advances in statistical practices around the world.
The series of conferences will consist in thematic blocks, with speakers giving conferences on specific subjects. In the first block, non-traditional sources of information and innovative methodologies to improve the timely dissemination of short-term economic information will be reviewed. In the second block the focus will be on relevant sociodemographic issues, such as health and public safety.
All the conferences, as well as questions will be in English.
These conferences are intended for official information generators, information users, academicians, and graduate students, as well as decision makers within the public and private sectors.